

Team NB FAQ on EN62304 standard for software lifecycle processes

Many companies developing medical software, especially the smaller app developers, have difficulties applying the EN62304 standard. For that reason a number of experts under the auspices of Team NB started work on…


eHealth and mHealth at the DIA Euromeeting

I had the privilege to preside a session about eHealth and mHealth at the DIA Euromeeting in Amsterdam last week, joined by Mr Tapani Piha, Head of Unit for eHealth, Health Technology…


Happy New Year – with all those developments

The end of the year is upon us, and I’d like to take the opportunity to wish the readers of this blog all the best for the new year, a new year…


The new Commission eHealth Action Plan, and some thoughts on what it will mean for devices

Last week the Commission launched its new eHealth Plan (EHAP). It was announced under the header “Putting patients in the driving seat: A digital future for healthcare”. A nice rundown of the…


CE marking of apps: It Can Be Done and Here Is How

If there is one thing that I have learnt by now working with medical apps and medical device law is that physicians have little idea about rules for apps with medical functionality,…


Consequences of the EU Ker-Optika case for eHealth services

In a previous post I have analysed the consequences of the European Court of Justice’s Ker-Optika judgment for e-commerce in physical medical devices. This post extrapolates the reasoning of the European Court…

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